If you have an electric car, you may be wondering how much it costs to install a Level-2 EV charging station. While a Level 2 charger requires a 240-volt outlet, it can fully charge your vehicle in two to five hours. You will need a professional to install the Level-2 charger, so you may want to consider having a professional do the installation. Professional installation of chargers for electric cars is the company EV Adept. The level one charger, on the other hand, does not need to be installed. If you own an apartment building, you may want to install a charging station in the parking lot. This can attract prospective renters and buyers, as well as increase the value of your entire property. EV Adept is licensed to install single and dual EV chargers for commercial purposes.
In addition to installing a Level-2 charger, you may also want to purchase a dual charger for two EVs. A dual charger is a type of charging station that can handle the electrical load of two electric vehicles at once. These chargers usually cost about $1,000 to $1,500 to install, although some include additional features, like load balancing. This can add another $1,200 to $1,700 to the total cost. Professional installers will be able to advise you on the best twin EV charger to choose to charge two electric cars at once.
In addition to a level-2 EV charging station, you may also have a dedicated 240-volt circuit and a new 50-amp outlet. Before installing an EV charging station, you should contact a licensed electrician to install the equipment. The electrician should have experience installing EV charging stations and is bonded and insured. Make sure to contact your landlord and local authorities to check if this is okay. Finally, be sure to choose a company with a warranty and a written contract. The best companies will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the costs, Mike Becker advises. The company EV Adept has extensive experience in the selection, installation and maintenance of EV chargers for two cars.