Pain Management NYC

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380 2nd Ave Suite 1004, New York, NY 10010, USA

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Monday : 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Tuesday : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Wednesday : 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Thursday - Friday : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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  • Pain management
  • Medical Clinic
  • Pain Management Physician
  • Sports Medicine Clinic
  • Doctor
Owner Name: Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy


Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC


Physical therapy and other treatments for neck pain can take time. But you don’t have to suffer with cervical pain while you undergo therapy. Instead of waiting for the pain and discomfort to go away before you get some relief, deal with it first. Thanks to the expertise of nationally recognized pain doctors at pain management New York, a cervical epidural ensures you a pain-free recovery. Call today to learn how steroid injections can start you on the path to healing.

As your best pain relief doctors works to treat your cervical pain, he may suggest a cervical epidural steroid injection. Your doctor’s experience and care provide you a comfortable and effective method for dealing with often-debilitating cervical pain.

Inflammation around the nerves in your neck cause pressure and pain that makes it hard to turn your head, bend forward or even sit comfortably. Many also report that cervical pain affects their sleep.

The nerve roots are surrounded by a sac called the dura, which in turn is surrounded by the epidural space. Injecting steroids directly into this space bathes the nerves in the soothing, pain-relieving medication.

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Wrist Pain Treatment in NYC


You can hurt your wrist in countless ways. And once you do, your ability to do almost everything is greatly diminished. Additionally, diseases and medical conditions can affect this small but vital joint. With interventional pain management in NYC nearby, you don’t have to live with the wrist pain. Come in for a complete diagnosis, get an effective pain treatment and leave feeling like a new person. It’s possible at this Manhattan pain clinic. Call today for a consultation!

Wrist pain only sounds minor until you have to live with it. Your wrist is both compact and complicated. There are many tiny, intricate joints that join your hand to your arm. Since virtually every movement of your hand and fingers involves your wrist in some way, this part of your body endures a ton of wear-and-tear.

There are nearly as many types of wrist pain as there are causes. While age and activity can harm your wrist, impact and injury can also damage the bone, cartilage, veins, nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments that make up or flow through your wrist. Successful treatment for wrist pain depends largely on accurately diagnosing the problem. The pain management doctors in New York can get to the bottom of your wrist pain.

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Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC


Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints pain doctors hear every year. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 80 percent of the U.S. population experiences lower back pain at some point in their lives. The pain may come on suddenly or build up slowly, worsening over time. No matter the source, severity or longevity of your back pain, now you can find relief at advanced pain management. The experienced pain doctors there administer lumbar epidural steroid injections that reduce pain, decrease inflammation and allow you to heal.

When you’re dealing with upper leg or lower back pain, your top-rated pain doctor at pain clinic may recommend a lumbar epidural steroid injection as part of your rehabilitation treatment plan. A time-tested method of treatment, the lumbar epidural injection reduces both pain and inflammation. Although the effect is usually temporary, lasting from one week to up to several months, the benefits can literally get you back on your feet, especially when you’re in acute pain.

As you progress through your back pain rehabilitation program, strengthening and stretching injured muscles and tissue, you can receive relief from a lumbar epidural steroid injection up to three times a year. But make sure you receive your injection from an experienced professional who uses a fluoroscopy or x-ray for accurate placement. You can trust the pain management doctors in New York because they use the latest tools and equipment available.

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Knee Injections for Osteoarthritis in NYC


Your knees are fragile, weight-bearing joints that take a lot of abuse, but they weaken as you age. If you start feeling knee pain, rest and ice are usually the first remedies to try. But if the pain or swelling doesn’t go away, it can be managed with a knee injection. Visit Pain Management NYC for the best knee injections in New York. You’ll find a variety of knee pain treatments, from cortisone injection knee treatment or steroid injection for knee pain to viscosupplementation injections and genicular nerve block injections. To know which treatment is right for you, consult with the knee specialists at New York City pain management.

About 250 million people worldwide complain about knee pain, and the number of cases keeps rising. Athletes — like hockey, football and soccer players — are more likely to injure their knees, but people with regular jobs that put additional stress on the knees — like housekeepers and manual laborers— are also at risk. You may suffer knee injuries because of osteoarthritis in your knee.

Getting a knee injection may be the best way to heal a knee injury. The non-surgical procedure helps reduce both your pain in the knee and any swelling. Consult with a pain management doctor in New York to diagnose the exact cause of your knee pain.

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Shoulder Injection in NYC


A cortisone injection in your shoulder starts you on the path to better health and a pain-free life. The injection works on a range of conditions and injuries that cause shoulder pain. Once your pain has gone and you can function again, you can begin physical therapy or other treatments that give your shoulder to a fuller range of motion and many pain-free days. Don’t let shoulder pain limit your life. Call NYC pain management to see if you qualify for a shoulder injection.

You can hurt your shoulder in an accident, through a work or sports-related injury, or by the continuing wear-and-tear of repetitive motions. The pain may be sudden or it may come on over time. Regardless how you got it, shoulder pain needs medical attention because it can get worse.

Shoulder steroid injections are common procedures for shoulder pain. They typically contain cortisone combined with a local anesthetic. The goal of a shoulder injection is to relieve your pain and reduce the swelling in your shoulder joint. The best injury doctor in New York, at pain management center, places the injection directly into your shoulder, where it hurts the most.

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Customer Reviews

Miranda Butler
Excellent care rarely ever any wait the doctors and staff are very attentive. Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy is the best! Always pleasant, very helpful, and considerate of my needs
Olivia Diaz
Pain Management NYC is home to incredibly friendly, welcoming staff, making interactions with them on an appointment to appointment basis easy and taking one less thing off my shoulders. All of them are very knowledgeable about their field and this aids in answering any and all patient questions and finding the best treatment or procedure for all. I would recommend to family and friends!

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